Hypnosis / Past Life Regression / Rapid Eye Technology (RET) / Psych-K Services
For Mind, Body & Soul Alignment
‘Allow yourself to see what you don’t allow yourself to see’
- M. Erickson
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and altered consciousness that occurs naturally just before you fall asleep. In therapeutic hypnosis, we prolong this brief interlude and give you positive suggestions to make it work for your benefit. The experience is like starting to go to sleep. You are fully aware of what is happening. Hypnosis is the most functional and reasonable way to retrain life-long perceptions, rather than suffer a lifetime of emotional attitudes the conscious mind is unable to change.
Effective for: Self Esteem, Confidence, Stress Relief, Stop Smoking, Addictions, Weight Control, Fears/Phobias, Motivation, Achieve Goals, Improve Health, Past Life Regression, Astral Projection, Tapping into Psychic Abilities, Relaxation, Self Hypnosis
Rapid Eye Technology is a safe, natural, stress release process RET
utilizes blinking, eye movements, breathing, imagery, stress reduction
energy work to facilitate release of stressful emotional, mental, physical
patterns. Rapid eye movements and release work facilitate rapid healing on
all levels to allow you to make new choices for your life.
Effective for: Self Esteem, Confidence, Stress Relief, Stop Smoking, Addictions, Weight Control, Fears/Phobias, Motivation, Achieve Goals, Improve Health, Past Life Regression, Astral Projection, Tapping into Psychic Abilities, Relaxation, Self Hypnosis
EFT (Tapping) along with Psych K (Bruce Lipton's Technique), are successful and non-invasive interactive processes, tapping energy meridians and muscle testing, simple yet powerful processes to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging.
Effective for: Self Esteem, Confidence, Stress Relief, Stop Smoking, Addictions, Weight Control, Fears/Phobias, Motivation, Achieve Goals, Improve Health, Past Life Regression, Astral Projection, Tapping into Psychic Abilities, Relaxation, Self Hypnosis
I specialize in helping people overcome obstacles, through my expertise in many modalities. Hypnosis is effective for past life regression, stress release, addictions, confidence and much more.
Rapid Eye Technology is a safe, natural, stress release process RET utilizes blinking, eye movements, breathing, imagery, stress reduction energy work to facilitate release of stressful emotional, mental, physical patterns. Rapid eye movements and release work facilitate rapid healing on all levels to allow you to make new choices for your life.
EFT along with Psych K are successful and non-invasive interactive processes, tapping energy meridians and muscle testing, simple yet powerful processes to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging.
If you are ready to commit to improving your life, I’m ready to assist you in the process. I am certified in many modalities and devoted to helping people reclaim their innate power, vitality and wisdom.
I look forward to working with you soon!
Patty is Certified through Anthony Robbins Strategic Intervention Life Coaching, The American Council of Hypnosis Examiners, and The Rapid Eye Institute.